January Reading Ladder

Image result for benedict cumberbatch with a book

(…I wanted him on my reading ladder somehow.. 😉 )

Also, an accurate representation of the overbearing amount of books I have. 

Books I Read: 

  1. You Will Not Have My Hate by Antoine Leiris (144 Pages)
  2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Final 20 Pages) *cries*

Total Pages Read: 164 Pages

Weekly Reading Rate: 54.66 Pages

Daily Reading Rate: 7.8 Pages

Image result for so many books gifIt isn’t the best reading rate I could have done, but considering the exams and tests I have been studying for I’m not completely unhappy with it. I’m also glad that I finished a book within these three weeks, and that studying isn’t taking up all of my time. On the bus I also tend to read things easier to access when I don’t have a book in my bag, so there is that dose of Fanfiction in there (sorry!!) but I won’t add that to the reading ladder because I know they don’t really count. I have been reading a lot, but perhaps not sufficiently so I plan to fix that in the coming months. I have shelves of books unread, so I will get to those! I’ll have more time in this next semester and, with AP ELA withdrawals, I will read to feel better… YAY!!!

OH! I also bought Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart from a bookstore and plan to do an in depth analysis of it (complete with writing within the book… and I don’t really like doing that!) and get a better understanding of it for the future. 🙂

Related imageMy goals for reading include:

  1. To keep reading books for the rest of the year.
  3. To finish all the books in my bookshelf.
  4. Analyze books, not just read. 
  5. Healthy dose of challenging books and candy books!

^Me too, Ben, me too.

Review of the Year

 Total Pages Read: 2058

Weekly Reading Rate: 108.32

Daily Reading Rate: 15.47

My reading has really picked up in this past month and plan to improve my reading for future years!

GIF Creds: https://cadburypom.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/giphy11.gif

Photo Creds: 1. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c0/19/26/c019261dc4f50526c7c2c3839558ce93.jpg

2. http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i-w600/i-can-feel-infinitely-alive-curled-up-on-the-sofa-reading-a-book.jpg

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